24 JULY 1852, Page 19


Wes-cures, July 28.—Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards—The Hon. W. H. Wel- lesley to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice D. R. Williamson, who retires. 3M Foot—Capt. F. C. P. A. Stuart, from half-pay 42d Foot, to be Capt. vice Brine, who exchanges ; Lieut. C. Clapcott to be Capt. by purchase, vice Stuart, who re- tires ; Ensign E. de L. Jay to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Clapcott. Stith Foot-

Ensign J. W. Helyar to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Kennedy, who retires. 42d Foot -Lieut. A. Ramsay to be Capt. by purchase, vice Daniell, who retires ; Ensign H. Montgomery to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ramsay. 74th Foot--Ensign Sir D. Baird. Bart to be Lieut. without purchase, vice. Gordon, died of his wounds ; En- sign R. II: D. Lowe to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Brydon, promoted ; Gent.- Cadet M. L. M'Canaland, from the Royal Military Coll. to be Ensign, without Pur- chase, vice Sir D. Baird ; Gent. Cadet H. J. Yonge, from the Royal hilt Coll- to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lowe. 80th Foot-Acting Assist-Surg. B. Lane to be Assist-Burg. vice Grant, dec. 94th Fruit-Lieut. A. Maclean to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice D'Arcy, promoted in the 3d West India llegt. _

-Royal Malta Fencible Regt-Brevet Cot 8. Baynes, from half-pay Unatt to be Lieut.-CoL vice F. Bassett, who retires upon full-pay.

Hospital Staff-Acting Assist-Surg. T. W. Fox, M.S. to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice F. J. F. Payne, who retires upon half-pay ; Acting Assist-Sag. A. J. Greer to be Assist.-Surg- to the Forces, vice Golden; dec. - Brevet -Capt. E. H. F. Pocklington, on half-pay Unatt. Assist. Mil. Secretary at Malta, to be Major in the Army. Ansunatre, July 20.-Corps of Royal Marines-Gent. Cadet T. H. A. Brenan to be Sec. Lieut. -