24 JULY 1909, Page 14



SIR,—In your kindly notice of my book, "Our Island Church" (Spectator, July 17th), you direct my attention to "the offer made by this devoted champion of the Church of England [King Charles L] to establish Presbyterianism for at least a limited period." The reference, no doubt, is to the negotiations of October, 1646, which resulted in the King, under the rigid pressure of military necessity, at last consent- ing to the abeyance of the episcopal jurisdictions for a period of five years, at the end of which period a "regulated Episco- pacy" was to return. In yielding so far as this, he was supported by those staunchly Catholic prelates, Bishops Juxon and Brian Duppa. It was a question of saving what could be saved out of the wreck of the Church's fortunes in hope of a better day dawning, and to avoid further bloodshed. The Queen urged the King to concede more, but he said : "How can we expect God's blessing if we relinquish His Church?" The temporary abeyance of the active functions of episcopal regimen is not the same thing as a breach of Apostolical succession, and there have been many examples of it in Church .history: To. take a.. modern instance,. the Channel' Islands were till recently practically Presbyterian; no Bishop, having visited them for three centuries;. yet they had a valid, priesthood and Sacraments. The. English "seigniories " of Charles- L's time were equally a true .preebyterata. I" do nob presume, to decide whether the 'concession, should, in- such a cruel strait, have been made. Charles L was not one of those, rocky .towera which stand foursquare to every wind that blows,, bet when the question. came 'whether he would save: his own: life by abandoning the: essentials of the Church, he. never, wavered for a moment —I am; Sir,' dm.,