24 JULY 1959, Page 18


SIR,—And for those of us who find it really awkward to get fresh yeast regularly there is now dried baking yeast, in tins or in 2 oz. sachets. It is as easy to use as the fresh: if it is put with a little sugar to soak in tepid water while the flour etc. is being measured and the tins greased, it is ready for mixing as soon as one wants it. My bread is ready for the oven in a quarter of an hour. It contains wholemeal flour, a little black treacle, molasses, fruit, a pinch of salt, yeast, and milk or milk-and-water or water to mix. Wholemeal bread requires no kneading. The electric oven is set to Hot (4500) and switched on when the yeast and liquid are added to the other in- gredients. When the bread is mixed, it goes into the tins, the tins into the oven, and as the oven warms the dough rises. Easy work with a delicious result.—Yours faithfully,
