24 JULY 1971, Page 30


Sir: Old Julius Streicher would have been proud to publish that piece of literary ordure masquerading as a prizewinning example of The Spectator New Writing in the July 17 issue. Lucky you, Mr Gale, to have found such a gem of an essay to enable you to air the expressions of your anti-Israel sentiments. The fact that the article is circumlocutory and tedious to a degree does not one iota detract from its poisonous nature, and we are promised in a footnote that there is more in the pipeline! Julius must be rubbing his hands and chuckling down there, just as maybe you are, Mr Gale? A. Tober 134 Woodward Road, Dulwich Sir: I am puzzled as to the basis used by your periodical for awarding one of The Spectator New Writing Prizes for 1971 to F. R. Mackenzie (July 17).

If it is for anti-Israeli propaganda in the crudest and worst possible taste then I agree it should get first prize. But its literary merits completely defeat me. David Spector Flat 24, Eaton Manor, The Drive, Hove