24 JUNE 1837, Page 2

debate might arise, being postponed to the next evening. possible.

This proceeding, it was said, would ruin some of their It strikes us that the speeches were more eulogistic of the de- weak competitors ; and preparatory measures had occasioned a parted Sovereign than has been customary in the British Parlia- severe pressure. A fierce paper war was carried on between the went on such occasions. It would be difficult to imagine a more Government and the Bank parties. The loss of the Treasury by Mrfect character than WILLIAM the Fourth as painted by Lord the failure of the deposit banks was expected to be heavy ; and ELBOURNE, the Duke of WELLINGTON, Earl GREY, Lord JOHN the Government was embarrassed by want of means to carry on RUSSELL, and Sir ROBERT PEEL.t According to these high au- its ordinary affairs. Specie was so scarce that it was difficult in thorities, he was the beau ideal of a King—not only generous and New York to get silver to pay the postage of letters, and nobody kindly in his disposition, manly, sincere, and straightforward,