24 JUNE 1848, Page 12


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY arrsawoow. The report of the Committee of the House of Commons upon Commercial Distress has not excited any interest. Some months ago, while the Committee was sitting, its proceedings attracted attention; and it was expected that its report would have contained a recommendation for extending the principles of the Bank Act of 1844. It has, however, long been known that this expectation would not be realized, and the recent proceedings and present report will alike be regarded with indifference.

The proceedings in the English Stock Market have not been more important during the past than for some previous weeks. The fluctuation of Consols has not exceeded per cent; the closing quotation of COMMAS for Account this after- noon being 83* #, or within * per cent of last week. The only circumstances of importance have been the occasional though not extensive purchases of the Bank Broker; from which it would appear', that the Directors of the Bank of England, in common with many other large capitalists, are forced by absolute want of any profitable employment for money to invest it in the purchase of stock. Money is rather more abundant than last week; the rate of interest upon loans for short periods ranging from 1* to 2 percent. The transactions of the I °reign Market have been quite unimportant. The almost certainty of the conclusion of peace between the United States and Mexico, as indicated by the last advices, has given but a trifling impulse to the Stock of the latter republic, which is today barely from * to * per cent in advance of our last quotations. The Russian, Dutch t Belgian, and better class of Continental Stocks, are firm, in consequence of the firmness of the English Stocks; but nothing worthy of the name of business can be noticed as having occurred in them. The Railway Share Market is still declining; the fall in the more important shares since Saturday having been from 81. to 41. Great Western are today as low as 83, being a discount of 71. per share. Midland have fallen ta 97, being a dis- count of 31. per share. This depression is partly attributable to the conviction among the railway public, now becoming more general daily, that all those lines which are encumbered by a large debenture debt will be materially damaged by the issue of Preference Shares; a course to which, if the present indisposition to railway investment should continue the Directors of such lines must sooner or later be driven. The railways share also in the general stagnation of all business, arid the tolls of most of them are declining; as will be seen by the following statement of the returns of traffic.

Mike Week ending Miles Corresponding Week of °Pen. 8,448 39,139 8,113 17,916

Upon a farther comparison of the tolls taken by some of the principal railways for the present, as compared with the corresponding half-year of 1847, it appears that the gross receipts per mile of the Great Western have been 1,6891., while in 1847 they were 1,9671. per mile; of the Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1,903L, against 2,0701. in 1847; of the North-western, 2,018L, against 2,3121.1n 1847; of the Brighton, 1,1364 against 1,8021. in 1847; of the Midland, 1,0621!, against 1,1281. in 1,§47. It therefore ceases to Le a matter of surprise that the Railway Shares are generally in so depressed a state. So great is the difficulty under which some of the minor railways labour in providing money to pay off their debentures, that one of them, the Aberdeen, has proposed to issue Preference Shares bearing 10 per cent interest. The difficulty of realizing calls is almost equally great. The Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, the shares of which are held by one of the wealthiest bodies of shareholders in England, bus obtained the sanction of its constituency to an set for consolidating their shares, with the amounts now paid upon them, into stock, and thus freeing a large portion of the capital from the burden of farther calls.

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 17th June, exhibit when competed with those of the preceding week the following results-


lees-ease. Decrease.



Public Deposits 257,871

Other Deposits 101,039

Seven-day and other Bins

£43,521 Government Securities, Including Dead-weight

8,085 Other Securities

249,782 Notes unissued 470,335

Actual Circulation... ,



Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation Saguanag, Twitzsz o'CLoca.

The disastrous character of the intelligence from Paris has depressed the Eng- lish Funds. The first price of Consols for Account was 834-4 per cent below the closing quotation of yesterday; the price has since reached 83i, and is now 8344; at which quotation the market is at present firm. The prevailing opinion appears to be that the Government will triumph in Paris, and anarchy be averted. There is no business or change except in the nominal prices of the Foreign Funds; which are slightly lower in some cases. The Railway Market is still depressed; the transactions have as yet been confined to the following bargains, which do not indicate any improvement upon yesterday's low prices: Caledonian, 291; Brighton, 294; North-western, 117; Ditto, New Quarter-shares, 2; South- western, Tenths, 64; Midland, 97; South-eastern 234.

3 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 65 70 Ditto for Account 831 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 421 31

-3 per Cent Reduced 83/ 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 631 44 3i per Cents 841 Mexican 5 per Cents 1896... 16 1

Long Annuities 81 New Granada 12 13 Bank Stock 191 3 Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 15 17 Exchequer Bills 29 41 prom, Portuguese Old 1824 63 5 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 89 91 Brazilian 5 per Cents 64 7 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 111 12 Belgian 41 per Cents 58 62 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 224 31 Buenos Ayres 20 3 Venezuela 15 19

Chllian 6 per Cents 78 82

Great Western • —2811 Lancashire and 1 ,„„,

Yorkshire .. "' i

North-western • 428 Brighton 1611 Midland 4231 £23,265 9,664 93,107 8,903 20,042 2491 94 3781 1301 3721 Jane I GA 1848. open. last Year.

£20,535 Notes Issued Bullion 220,570 329,501 This week. Last week.

19,169,427 13,839.926 17,377.492 17,626,960