24 JUNE 1911, Page 17


[To nos B.Dr204 OF TEN " SPECTATOR: 'I Ste,—I venture again to ask you to find room in your columns for an appeal on behalf of the Naples Society for the Protection of Animals. The work was carried on with vigour during the past year, as the following statistics will show:— Carts to which extra animals were attached 25,668, from which drivers or passengers were made to alight 39,897, properly balanced 17,058, of which the load was diminished 3,155. Con- fiscated sticks, stakes, goads, spikes on sides of shafts, &c., 29,656. Prosecutions for working in an unfit state, beating, starving, stabbing, driving furiously, &c., 7,219. Relieved lambs, goats, fowls, turkeys, &c., 10,287. Painlessly destroyed dogs, cats, blinded birds 2,772. Destroyed, with Behr's pistol, horses, donkeys, mules 52.

I will not trespass upon your space with further details nor harrow the feelings of your readers by accounts of the sufferings which we are constantly obliged to witness. I will only add an earnest appeal to all who sympathize with us to give us the means of carrying on our labour of love. The need is urgent, for subscriptions have lamentably fallen off for some time past, whilst building operations on all sides make the work of our agents more and more necessary.

Subscriptions and donations may be sent to Miss P. H. Johnston, Hon. Secretary, The Beeches, Carlisle; to Mrs. Pardington Glynlee, Tunbridge Wells ; to Mr. Percy Carew Essex, Hon. Treasurer, 103 Jermyn Street, London ; to Mr. C. Calvello, direc- tor, 2 Via Vittoria, Naples ; or to myself at 7 Chiatameno, Naples.

—I am, Sir, &c., E. L. M. (Pancesss) MRLE BARES (née Maekworth Praed), President Naples Society P.A.