24 JUNE 1916, Page 1

Mr. McKenna has also determined to withdraw the additional tax

on metor-cars. We are to have instead an extra duty of 6d. a gallon on all petrol used for pleasure, or at any rate private, purposes Commercial users, doctors, and veterinary surgeons will only pay an additional 3d. a gallon. The Petrol Control Committee will in future issue permits for the use of petrol analogous to the German meat or bread tickets, and when purchases are made under them the extra 6d. a gallon will be paid for tax purposes. Mr. Montagu,

Financial Secretary to the Treasury, also foreshadowed a reduction in the 5s. tax on tinder-boxes and other mechanical contrivances for producing flame. He further introduced certain modifications in the Income Tax under which relief will be given to small unearned incomes. An important concession was also made in respect of the Income Tax paid by officers of the Army and Navy. That is as it should be, though we should much prefer that no Income Tax should be levied on the pay of officers on active service. Surely they are giving enough.