24 JUNE 1960, Page 11

Blind and in Pain Nicolas Walter. Alex Comfort

Homosexual Prosecutions `G. F.,' R. L. Travers, R. L. Archdale

Street Offences Dinah Tait Franco's Spain

Christian Democrat Left and University Socialists

St. Helena Story Major W .1.C. Youde Monthlies Gwyn Illtyd Lewis The Christian Line Rev. H. E. Roberts `The Play of Daniel' Geoffrey Rans Rough Boys and Smooth Rosemary Thompson Disraeli A. A. Martineau


SIR,—It would be interesting to know why you de- vote so much space to giving advice to the Labour Party, in view of the fact that you are unlikely to support any of its Policies, no matter how 'con- stitutionally' they are arrived at. 1 suspect that you disapprove of people like Richard Crossman, Michael Foot and Frank Cousins not because you consider their methods incorrect but because you find their views distasteful.

And yet they are surely more entitled to press their views by whatever methods they like than you are to criticise them; they do after all belong to the party whose policies they are trying to change, and it is even possible that they would rather be right than popular.

I wonder whether you would lecture the rebels so magisterially if Anthony Crosland and Roy Jenkins did not happen to be among the victims of their attacks. Is your advice really as disinterested as you claim, or are you perhaps more involved than you care to admit?—Yours faithfully, NICOLAS WALTER

24 Bracknell Gardens, NW 3
