24 JUNE 2000, Page 26

Celibacy and sodomy

From Dr Alan Patterson Sir: Elton John (Letters, 17 June) presumes that Cardinal Winning is a 'solitary individu- al' and therefore cannot judge 'the deepest longings of the human heart'. I am no sup- porter of priestly celibacy but I am sure that this particular priest knows far more ordi- nary people than Sir Elton does. One does not need to be an artist to talk about art.

As a middle-aged doctor, I disapprove of all promiscuous behaviour, whether by het- erosexuals or homosexuals. I have witnessed at close hand the resultant massive misery


and damage to individuals, parents and chil- dren. However, I especially disapprove of anal intercourse, indulged in by some mod- ern-day heterosexuals as well as many homo- sexuals. To their eternal shame, doctors know about the dangers of such behaviour, but lack the courage to raise this unpleasant subject, or risk the wrath of the politically correct brigade. They fail to speak out and unintentionally collude in the tragic world- wide spread of deadly organisms.

Elton John is also wrong in thinking that people are turning from Cardinal Win- ning's Church. But they are certainly turn- ing from those Churches whose priests and ministers, like the doctors, are afraid of, or ashamed of, the eternal truths held by their ancestors and based on God's inspired scriptures.

Alan Patterson

Darras Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne