24 JUNE 2000, Page 26

Hague's revenge

From Mr Irfon Roberts Sir: Why are so many journalists starting to shed their hostility to William Hague (Media studies, 17 June)? It is partly because most of them like to be on the win- ning side and, until recently, that looked like being the Blair regime. They are also quite content to be swept along much of the time on the tide of public opinion which they themselves have helped to create. In that tide, many people who voted Labour in 1997 have been reluctant to admit what a serious mistake they made, but events have been forcing them to do so. For some time after 1997, hardly anything any Tory leader might have said or done would have made much of an impact, but not now. Those of us who have supported William Hague from the start should not be surprised at this recent trimming of journalistic sails.

Irfon Roberts

Lewes, Sussex