24 MARCH 1832, Page 1

There have been some rather serious disturbances at Grenoble, since

our last publication. It appears that, on the 1.2th instant, there was a masquerade procession there, the object of which was to ridi- cule the King and his Ministers. This attempt, which in the be- ginning was unaccompanied with any angry feeling, was resisted by the civil authorities, but not put down. The people waxed bold as the Prefect waxed feeble, and a general riot was the consequence. Some blood was spilt, and very great confusion prevailed for a con- siderable time. When the last accounts left Grenoble, the town was restored to its usual tranquillity. The Constitationnel at- tributes these disturbances—which prevailed, though not to an equal extent, at Lyons and several other towns in the neighbour- hood—to the intrigues of the Carlists.

The contradiction given last week by the Duke of WELLINGTON to certain statements in CASIMIR PERIER'S speech,—confirmed as the contradiction was by Earl GREY, without which confirmation it- mist indeed have dropped harmless, from the Duke's

well- known antipathy to every thing either Liberal or French,—has created a strong sensation in Paris, and will not add to the stability . of M. PEniEfes-MinistrY.

Cardinal BERNETTI has issued another protest against the French occupation of Ancona.; which, however,. doeS riot seem to have in any way disturbed the Austrians, of' whom it may be sup- posed the French stand in greater respect than they do of a whole college of Cardinals.