24 MARCH 1838, Page 7


Lord Mulgrave has been seriously unwell ; but being the representa- tive of Rosalty, some mystery has been observed as to his complaint. Otte account says, be has suffered from the smallpox; another says, from the typhus fever.

Colonel Shaw Kennedy has resigned the chief command of the Irish Constabulary force. Some difference in regard to the !bestowal of patronage is surmised as the cause. 'I lie Idol (it vernment ha, exercised an act of arbitrary power un- paralleled in the political annals of any administration. Mr. Thomas Cioote, a gentleman of property, rank, and character, has been super- seded in the office of High Sheriff of the county of Monagleas be- cause he nominated as his Under Sheriff an individual not approved of by the priests and their press. Throughout all the libels that have been published against Mr. Gray, we cannot find a single imputation against his fitness or competency, unless it be that Mr. Richard West- enra, the Liberal Member for the county, was his security. Mr. Kenny, of Rocksavnge, (a Roman Catholic of course,) has been no- minated in the place of Mr. Coote. We take for granted, that this most unconstitutional proceeding will be brought before Parliament ; and we should not be surprised if the Westenra family, who have been infamously treated in the transaction, took an active part in exposing this scandalous truckling to the outcry raised by an intolerant and in- furiated faction.—Dublin Mail. iThie Mr. Gray is the noted Orange- man "Sam Gray; " and the Dish Government would have neglected its duty had he been permitted to act us Under Sheriff.]