24 MARCH 1894, Page 24

The Last Earls of Barrymore. By John Robert Robinson. (Sampson

Low, Marston, and Co.)—Mr. Robinson wrote a book which was, in its Fay, worth reading. " The Princely Chandos" was a personage of some interest ; he had, in any case, the merit of furnishing an object for the satire of Pope. But we cannot see any reason why a volume should be given to the foolish spendthrift who bore the title of "Earl of Barrymore." It is but a dreary record of folly and wrong-doing, hardly illuminated by a single spark of humour. It is curious to see to what depths of folly these foolish creatures could descend. On the whole, the story a their doings tends to reconcile us to our age. There are spendthrifts and fools in plenty nowadays ; but the public does no abet their madness, as it did that of the Earls of Barry- more. Would it not have been better to let the record of these stupidities and vices remain in the oblivion that would naturally overtake them ?