24 MARCH 1923, Page 20

Diet for Women. By Cecil Webb-Johnson, M.B., Ch.B. (Milli and

Boon. 5s. net.)

The author is in full sympathy with the exclamation of Sir Andrew Clark when a society woman had finished setting forth the items of her diet : Madam, you live like a hog." Dr. Webb-Johnson, however, would not limit this rude criticism to any one section of the community, being con- vinced that all English people who can afford it eat too much, His stern watchwords are self-denial, self-control, abstinence. What, then, becomes of the pleasant theory lately advanced by certain dieticians that the flow of gastric juice is stimulated by the patient eating of the food he likes best ? No one is going to exercise a self-control which leads to indigestion. Those, however, who enjoy spiting their appetites will find excellent advice—somewhat untidily arranged—in this little volume.