24 MARCH 1923, Page 34

Apparently the course of Ku Klux Klan in Canada is

not all plain sailing. The Mayor of London (Ontario) says :- "Canadians will not tolerate men with bloody hands walking in their midst. Justice in this Dominion is swift and sure. As mayor of London, I will use all the power of my office to rid the city of the verminous missionaries of an order that seeks to terrify citizens who may differ from these so-called Knights of Ku Klux Klan in race, colour, religion, or ability to succeed. London, like the rest of the British Empire, has been safe for democracy for a long time. But London is not going to be safe for Ku Klux Klan or any other hooded order."

In a St. Patrick's Day message to the New York World

has achieved its liberty through revolutionary change but has suffered the same pangs and been compelled• to face the same troubles."

Hitherto it has been very unwise to indulge in optimism as regards Irish affairs. Recently, however, from a number of different sources have come reports to the effect that the Republican resistance is crumbling away. Let us hope that they may prove well founded. President Cosgrove said :- " The sons of St. Patrick scattered throughout the world have no need to be anxious about their motherland. Her present troubles are within her own power to cure. . . . No nation