24 MARCH 1939, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—For the time being Emkreisungspolitik and collective security are one and the same policy, and for us the right policy. We, France, Russia, Poland and Rumania should be able to corner the mad boar who is raging and ramping in central Europe. The danger is that in his fury he may break cover and try to fix his tusks in one of us. We must, I suggest, be prepared for anything. Our anti-aircraft forces are partly Territorials ; these ought to be called up to "man the wall." Our two great Fighter Groups, No. ii and 12, are regular R.A.F., and always in readiness to meet an attack, but there are some non-regular (A.A.F.) fighter units as well, and these, too, should be called up ; they can be, before mobilisa- tion, in case of apprehended attack.—Yours faithfully, J. M. SPAIGHT.

Inglemere, 29 Smitham Downs Road, Purley, Surrey.