24 MARCH 1939, Page 22


should not ask you to put our needs before your readers at a time when everyone is volunteering for National Service were it not that the workers we need so urgently for this Fund can without difficulty volunteer at the same time to help with the evacuation of children. In fact those who have worked with the C.C.H.F. are particularly suited to deal with children in an emergency.

Every year this fund sends thousands of London children to the country for a fortnight during the school summer holiday. The organisation depends upon voluntary workers, and this year it looks as though many children may have to be dis- appointed owing to lack of helpers. The work is organised in local committees (69 in all), each responsible for a particular district in London. Our special need at present is for hon. secretaries for these committees. In time of peace they enable London children to have a holiday in the country. In time of war, or rumours of war, they may be able to help remove the same children, plus the rest of the school population, from dangerous areas.

I am sure your readers will agree that it would be a calamity if this essentially constructive peace-time work were hindered through lack of "volunteers."

Further particulars can be obtained from the secretary at the address given below.—Yours faithfully,


Children's Country Holidays Fund, 18 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C. 2.