24 MAY 1856, Page 13


1863-June. For Mr. Berkeley's Mo- )172 - Brains' t 232 • ma'ority 60 tion to bring in a Bill, , - " i ' 1854-June. Ditto. 167; --- 194; -- 87 1855-May. Ditto. 166; - 218; - 52 1856-May. Ditto. Ill ; - 161; --- 40 At the division on Tuesday last, Mr. Berkeley had the votes of the fol- lowing members of the Government,-Mr. John Ball, Sir Richard Beth- ell, Lord Duncan, Mr. John Fitzgerald, Sir Benjamin Hall, Mr. Hors- man, Mr. Massey, Mr. Digby Seymour, Mr. Villiers.

The Estimates for Class VIII. of the Civil Service expenditure amount to 104,688/. Amongst the items are-40,0001. for executing public works, maintaining educational institutions, and other like purposes, among the Native tribes in South Africa ; 66001. for collecting agricultural statis- tics in Scotland and Ireland; (40001. voted last year for England remains unexpended) ; 20001. towards the proposed British Historical Portrait Gal- lery; 10,000/. to defray the cost of removing the Science and Art branch from Marlborough House to Kensington Gore, rendered necessary should the German Chapel be taken down ; 24,7001. for outlay connected with the new road from Pall Mall to Blieltingham Gate, and for a foot-bridge across the ornamental water ; 15761. for forming a new road through Holyrood Park, Edinburgh to Duddingstone.