24 MAY 1856, Page 20

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ADMIRALTY, May 23.—The following promotions; dated the 19th instant, have this day taken place, consequent on the death, on the 18th instant, of Bear-Admiral of the White the Right Honourable Lord Adolphus Fitzelarence, G.C.H.—Rear-Ad- mind of the Blue W. Sandon to be Rear-Admiral of the White ; Capt. C. H. Wil- liams to be Rear-Admiral on the Reserved List; Capt. H. F. Grevffie, C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue ; Capts. A. A. Vincent, K.H. and S. Radford, K.H. on the Retired List, to be additional Retired Rear-.4.dmirals, without any increase of pay.