24 MAY 1913, Page 17


[To TEE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR:1 Sru,—The following uncommon, if not unique, incident came under my observation this week. A pair of thrushes have built a nest in the ivy against the wall of my house. Early one morning I found there were four eggs in it. Half an hour later I saw a. hen blackbird drive the thrush off the nest and take possession herself. By midday a blackbird's egg was deposited in the nest and one of the thrush's eggs was lying on the ground broken. The following morning the thrush again took possession, laid another egg in the nest, and is now patiently sitting on four eggs of its own and the intruding blackbird's egg. What was the motive of the blackbird? Had it no nest of its own? Is it developing similar tendencies to the cuckoo and placing its eggs in the nests of other birds; It is a curious problem.—I am, Sir, &c.,