24 MAY 1913, Page 2

Sir Edward Carson spoke at the Willowfield Unionist club, Belfast,

on Friday week on the policy of Ulster. He

impressed on his hearers that they had no quarrel with individuals. They welcomed and loved every individual Irishman, even though he might be opposed to them. Their quarrel was with the Government, who sought to drive out of the Constitution, under which they were contented to remain, a prosperous, happy, and satisfied portion of the greatest community in the Empire. They were drilling because they were driven to a policy of resistance. Force was only to be used in the last resort, not to obtain any selfish benefit or any ascendancy, or for the purpose of aggression, but to beat back those who would dare to barter away those elementary rights of citizenship which they had inherited and which it was their duty and their trust to band on unimpaired to their children.