24 MAY 1930, Page 2

Signor Mussolini's Rhetoric The scenes of military splendour which Signor

Mussolini authorized for his week's tour in Tuscany seem to have inflamed him. When one has made every allowance for his gift of rhetoric, it is painful to have to admit that his language bears a very close resemblance . to that of Bismarck and the ex-German EinperOr. ,Speaking of naval policy last Saturday, lie said (according to the report in the Times) that the ,programine would be realized ton for ton " because the will of FasciSm is not only iron and decisive but is also mathematical." " Iron " was one of Bismarck's favourite words. Signor Mussolini spoke of the troopS whom he reviewed as , displaying the -"firm and warlike face of Fascist Italy?' Fascist Italy, he said, offered to the world the " simple alternative of her precious friendship or her stubborn enmity." Again, " Although words are beautiful things, rifles, machine-guns, ships, aeroplanes and cannons are still more beautiful things ; because, O Blackshirts,. tight unless accompanied by force is a vain word. Prophets who have disarmed will perish." Such thoughts might have sprung from the brain whiCh created. the " mailed fist " and the " shining armour."

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