24 MAY 1930, Page 20

- How many people who read Mr. Squire's article in the

Observer on a Sunday say to themselves, " I will cut that out and keep it:" This, alas, is, one of the geod resolutions that nobody carries out ! In these days of small houses and no cupboards how can one keep strips Of newspaper ? A volume of selections entitled Sunday Mornings (Heinemann, 6s.), is, therefdre, doubly welcome. How- full they are, these critical reviews and essays of thought and wit and good sense ! By forty papers a very wide ground is, of course, covered. It is a far cry from " John Morley as a Writer "to " Barnum " as-a showman, from Ben Jonson and Congreve to " The Literature of Sport " and " Brighter Crieket." There is not, however; a' dull chapter among them. In the mind of the present writer, for true critical insight the articles on Lord Morley and Conrad are -t►e most valuable and those on Hardy, Mr: Wells and Mr. Watson the most provocative and interesting.
