24 MAY 1930, Page 32

Travel Pamphlets Reviewed

interest to reculers.—En. Spectator.]

FROM the batch of travel literature lately_ received we deal first with a tastefully printed and illustrated booklet, 'issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway, concerning the launching of their new liner, ' Empress of Japan.' This ship, the company state, will be the largest and fastest steamship engaged in regular traffic in the Pacific Ocean, and—what of interest to readers in search of a new cruise route—before taking_up her position on the Pacific she will malts -one- round trip on the -Atlantic, leaving Liverpool On June 14th for an experimental voyage to Quebec, returning to Southampton on June 24th. -She will then sail to Hong Kong and, after her return to Viincouiet, ' will maintain a regular schedule, calling at Honolulu, Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kang• and Manila. The ' Empress of Japan.' is a three-funnelled twin': -Screw.: oil-burner of 25,000 tons, nearly 5,000 tons greater than the present largest Canadian Pacific ship. "..,CarianrAN PACIFIC HAY I( „.,Horarkays.' =Mother. C.P.R. booklet gives details of the personally accompanied holiday tours to Niigata Falls, Eastern Caned. a- end. U.S.A., which take place every week from June to 'August, 1930.-- Here is a specimen tour, " B-1," starting on ',Tithe 27th. Passengers leave Belfast (or Liverpool) on the 20,000 ton liner Duchess. of -York' (Glasgow, June 28th) for the following itinerary :—Montreal,- ,Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Palls, New York, Quebec, returning from there by the ' Empress of France ' on July 16th for Southampton; which is reached on July 23rd. The fare, tourist third cabin (first Class_ railway), is £82 5s., which includes A berth in standard (first class) sleeper for all night journeys ; .parlour car seat on day trips ; accomModation at Canadian Pacifie "or other first-class hotels ; sightseeing drives by motor ear ; all meals On- Atlantic ships, and breakfast,- lunch, afternoon tea and dinner each day ashore ; gratuities on. all services provided ashore, but . not on Atlantic shipsConveyanCe of members and their baggage between stations and hotels,' Ac. ; the services of a conductor throughout the entire tour in Canada and U.S.A. The -members of '43." tours are required to pay £1 13s. U.S. head tax at time of booking, but this sum is refundable on return to England. Readers who are interested in these tours can obtain further:details of the C.P.R. holiday tour on application to 82.55 Charing Cross, Londori;' 1.

[Prom time to time we notice in this page publications sent to us by travel agencies and shipping companies, which we think may be. of