24 MAY 1935, Page 34


By Thorne Baker

The Kingdom of the Camera (Bell, 7s. 6d.) is a tantalizing book, for Mr. Baker describes little known but exciting uses for the camera today without explaining how these seeming miracles are performed. In Mr. Baker's view—and it is a contention well supported by excellent photographs--there are few branches of 'industry in which photography in one form or another does not play some part. In medicine, the X-ray is already familiar to many in general terms ; but modern application has developed the process far beyond the original great discovery. Then there is photograithY of light rays that the eye cannot see, leading on to the photo- graphy of sound and heat for industrial purposes. , '1 he bOok is an enjoyable one, but all those with even a slightly ifiqpiring Entinit All ;regret, that there is nothing in the nature of thine- technical -chaptersr or. tappendieei.