24 MAY 1946, Page 14


Sit,—Mr. Brogan in his article The Fretich Surprise in your issue of May loth says: "The country to which the. French Left or the Left of other European countries ought to look for a lead is Britain. For it is evident that, without pressure, without the Red Army, they will not look to Russia." He believes that Se Left of Eurcinean countries have still some interest in liberty. On April 13th The Daily Mail and some other newspapers quoted Professor Laski as saying that if We have to chew between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. "the Labour Party will stand four square behind Russia." This statement indicates a certain readiness on the part of the Labour Government to follow Russia ; in which case Mr. Brogan was mistaken, for to look to Britain in the direc- tion -of freedom is to look the wrong way. Even if one leaves -out of consideration the untold harin that Professor Laskis statenient will do in arousing distrust of us in the minds of the Americans, it seems odd that he does not realise that beyond a certain point the Britisher will not allow his liberty to be taken from him without a fight.—Yours, &c.,