24 NOVEMBER 1832, Page 9

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES, Tuesday, November 20.


SMITH and WADDET.L, Birmingham, conelphuildere—LAMIIERT nil Ttionsom, Old Bond Street, dress-makers—BILLsom and Co , Pertsea, linen drapers—Wu:rl: and SnoLL, Lamb Street Spitaltields, oilmen—Via'r and Ilk: WZELL, Stockton. Clien.iii S— COMING and TREGONINO. Manchester, calieo.printers—VEsTEr and Cot:Lt.:5', carmen- ILHAVEY and WADDINGTom. High Street. St. Giles's. elothes-s: lestnenlIA ammo and &turn, George Alley, Old Fish Street Hill, coffee-roasters —Wit Tr.° w and I i A XXAM. Lancaster. lawmen—limn-ors and Co., River Clyde, salnitte•dealers—Ittans ms and Ounce, Liverpool, commission-agents—SHIRLEY anti JACKSON, Shollieh1, millers— GREGORY and DUESBUItY, Itinnioghant jewellers—WILsox anti Drzokr. Manchester, flour-dealers—CROKER and SULLY, Ihridg,r.'H•ater, 'ship-brokers--PE Anse atuit I foitALy, Exeter, general-merchants—WOODHOUSE senior and junior, Mill; Street, Cbeapsitle, .bosiers—.WARD and GOIVIUN, Tottington, mordant-manufacturers—LeTENER and SLY- MAN, New Town, Montgomeryshire, surgeons—I:m.111E1er and LORI' MED, Monmouth, ship-builders—WAurox and Co., Manchester, cotton-yarn-agents.


ROWLEY. JOHN BROWNING, Great Dover Street, Newington, furnishing-ironmonger,

Nov. 19.


ton Street. merchants, Nov. '20.

BUTLER; WILLIAM, Little Si. Thomas Apostle, painter, .Nov. 17.

LANDER;Joukr, Derby, cabinet-maket Nov. 19.


RUCKMASTER, WILLIA.M. LeaMington, wi ne-mercl mot. to surrender Dec. 4, Jan. 1 : so- licitors, Messrs. Spencer and Compton, St. Mildred's Court, Poultry ; and Mr. Parry,

Leamington Priory. _

CURRIE, DONALD, 'Regent Street, army accoutrement-maker, Nov. 30, Jan. 1: soli- citor, Mr. Wise, Harper Street, lied Lion Splare. HATCH. BENJAMIN, Susauna Street. East IndiR Road, Poplar, builder. Dec. 1, Jan. J.:. solicitors, Messrs. Hutchison and !meson, Crown Conti, •Threadueedle Street; official assignee. Mr. Laekington, Basingball Street. NORTH, T11051As, Wootton, cementer, Nov. 30, .Tan. I : soli,-;tor, Mr. Bailey, Demers Street, Oxford Street ; official assignee, Mr. Tennant, King's Arms Yard. PARMETER, WI i,r:r AM, Gosport, ship-builder, Nov. 30, Dec. Li, .Tau. 1 : solicitors. Mr. Goodeve, New Millman Street, Guildford Street ; and Andrews and Minchin. Portsea. PoILE, 'WILLIAM. West End, North:tit Nov. 27. Jan. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Thorndikc, Staple Inn; official assignee, Mr. 1;iltso,n. 13asingliall Street. WILDEDOER, ANTHONY, Crlltctedfrinrs, nterchant.N,iv. 30, Jan. 1: solicitors, Messrs. .Brattou and Clipperton, New Broad Street ; official assignee, Mr. G room, Abehurch Lane.


Dec. 11, Allen, Ironmonger Lane, City, merchant—Jan. 21, Rucker and Co., Worm- wood Street, City, West India merchants—Dec. 13, Morgan and Co., Liverpool Street. City. merchauts—Dee. 13, Richardson and Henderson, West Cowes, silk-mercers —Dee. 11...Hudson, Northbrook, cattle-salesman—.--Dee. 14. Burke, Greenwich, licensed-vie- tualler—Dee. 18, Travers anti Esdailejunior,Queen Str..et, Lbci1,sifle. sugar-merchants

— Dec. 13, Phillips junior, Great Newport Street. Newport Market, glass dealer—Nov. 30, Scarnell, Brighton,tavern-keeper=Dec. 12. N kindles, Grosvenor Street, rosvenor Square, dentist—Dec..12, Sherwood: Princes Street, Stamford Street. 13h:e9:friars Road, builderDec. 13, Davis, Bottrton-on-the-Ilill, auctioneer—Dec. 13. Watkins. Aberga- . Nanny, shopkeeper-.---Dee. 12, Seagrim junior. Wilton, carpetmattufaciarer—Dec. 13. Johnson. Huddersfield, Saaolstapler—Dec. 17, Mottershead, MitnelleSter, cotton-spinner

— Dee. 14;Collier senior aunt junior. Wit ney, blanket-manufacturers—Dee. 12, Cooper, Amblesiile, Woollen-manufacturer—Dec. 14, Horst:Ill. 14,Payne and Co., Wells, bankerz—Dec. 15, Yeo Provo, Newton Abbott, ironmouger—Dee. 12, Venables, Birminglostu, grocer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on cur before Dee.11. Strand,tailor—Pocock. Brighton, builder—Jones. Newington Causeway. hosier

— Marshall, Holborn Bars, pocket-book-maker—Ilarris, Hotwells. Bristol, victualler.

Friday, November 23.


GALLOWAY and C tRzER, manufacturers of improved. paddle-wheels—GREAVES and SYKES, Manchester, machine.makers--It EAt-moNT and Mon-role, Louth, iron-founders- mANUEL and MooR, Sheffield, dealers in hardware—Ca RR and Co. Sheffield, merchants —T. and J. FISHER, Upper Thames Street, merchants—Luezokr and Nictiotson, Brad- ford, fax and worsted-machine-makers—SALomoNsam and Co., Ifirchin Lane, discount- brokers—J. H. and S. F. TOBISoN, Coventry. riband-dressers—E. IIARVEY, formerly B. and C. NETHERT0N, East Stonehouse, milliners—Moamar and STEVENTON, Strand, oil.warchousemen—TWAMLEy and Sow, Dudley, grocers—TEESDALE and Co., High Holborn. loop-publishers—SUMMERS and STEWART, Waterloo Road, copper-smiths.


STAMPER, Smelt Chertsey, carpenter, Nov.23.


AYCKDOWN, AUGUSTUS HEastsar, Wendover, surgeon, to surrender Nov. 30, Jan. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Cole, I.othbury. BROUGH, Wxr.Lusm, and Smurx, SAMUEL, Sculeoates, Yorkshire, paint-manufacturers, Nov. 29. 30, Jan. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Rosser' and Son, Gray's Inn Place; and Mr. .Frost, Hull. CHITTY, PHILIP MATHEWS, Shaftesbury, scrivener. Nov. 28, Dec. 7, Jan. 4: solicitors, Mews. yenning and Naylor, Bucklersbury; Messrs. Helder, Clement's Inn; and Mr. .Ruckland, Shaftesbury. CHURCH, ROBERT, Liverpool, coach-proprietor, Dec. 7, Jan. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Ad. lington and Co., Bedford Row; and Messrs. Watson and Byrom, Liverpool. CDOPER, THOMAS, Bristol, stage-coach-proprietor, Dec. 8, *Jan. 4: solicitor, Mr. Syd- ney, Fenchurch Street. CORKHILL, WILT.IAM, Whitehaven, ironmonger. Dec.7, Jan. 4: solicitors, Mr. Stubbs, N'endam Buildings; and Mr. Rudd, Cockermouth. CROSS, FREDERICK FRANCIS, George Yard, Whitcombe Street, livery-stable-keeper, Dec. 4, Jan. 4: solicitor, Mr. Sanford, John Street, Adelphi; official assignee, Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard. EmLzr, JAMEs, Liverpool, merchant, Dee.I2, Jan. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co., Bedford Row; and Mr. Atkinson, Bank Buildings, Liverpool. FREEMAN, JANE, Shipston-upon Stour. Worcestershire, draper, Dec. 3, Jan. 4: solic tors, Messrs. Dyneley and Co., Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Finden and Wood, Shipston. upon-Stour. GEoRGE, JAMES, Hereford, timber-merchant, Dec. 3, Jan. 4: solicitors, Mr. Church, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; anti Mr. Ball, Hereford. GRAY. EDWARD and Jour; Resszr.r„-Liverpool, corn-merchants, Dec.10, Jan. 4: .soli. eitort Messrs. Blackstock and Bunco, Sergeant's Inn, Fleet Street; and Mr. Bardswell, Bank Buildings. Liverpool. KNIGHT, THOMAS MAYNARD and JOSEPH BARBER, Hammersmith, boarding-house- keepers. Dec. 7, Jan. 4: solicitor, Mr. Bird, Adam Street, Adelphi; official assignee, Mr. Clark, St. Swithin's Lane. MARLEy, WILLIAM, New Bridge Street. 'Vauxhall, pawnbroker, Dee. 4, Jan. 4: soli- citor. Mr. Harris, Stone Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Abbott, King's Arms Yard. Pert, JOSHUA and CATHARINE, Worcester, goldsmiths, Dec. 3, Jan. 4: solicitors, Mr. Phillips, East Street, Red Lion Square; and Mr. ThOrnberry, Worcester.


Nov. 30. Gardner, Little Tower Street, wine-merchant—Dee. IS, Salmon, Oxford Street,- wax.eltandler—Dee. 17, Henderson. Hanover Square, tavern-keeper—Dee. 18, Giles. Steward Street, Spitalflelds, silk-manufacturer—Dec. 17, Horsley, Bill iter Square, merchant—Dec. 17, W. anti W. E. Ashley, Gainshorough, merchants—Pee. 17. Cross, Beekingharn, merchant—Dec. 15, Wessen, Bristol, grocer—Dec. 17, Winter, Marl- borough, innkeeper—Dec. 19, Norris, Liverpool, earthenware-dealer—Dee. 17, Atkins, Gloucester, merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Dec.14.

Birch, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Dm Fields, coach-maker—Burford, Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, paper-hanger—Weddell, Burr Street. East Smithfield, !Nit-owner—Ay:tits, Fleet Lane, hardwareman—Atkinson, Fenchurch Street, grocer— Edmunds, Duke Street, Portland Place, furnishing ironmonger.


MASON, JAMES, Glasgow, aright, Nov. 27, Dec. 12. Mr. Woons's Letter on the Law of Gravitatiod still Appear in our next Number, along with several other Original Papers, that we have been obliged to postpone, in order to make room for the Expose of the lispLATlA'rte ExPENEITeRs.

Oar next subjeCt is COLONIAL EXPENDITURE. Ally CoMliblItionS illieMied to ass:st its in this difficult branch of inquiry, must be sent to the Oilier be:ize Tuesday the 27th.