24 NOVEMBER 1849, Page 8

The Coen Eitraordinary Gaiette L elf d ifitVgicitia .. „` . 1414 1 4 authorized report of the speech

delivere&l! le he laiglifebadliggan.O. upon reopening thel.Legialative,katitirbly. 'fflitiO,epeeCkpossessee art and- nation and eloquenee Material' in. Official addrefisPli:•..

, - .

'sir Henry Ward vindicatedldsCoadndi irtanipMeekjpg the insurreetion)"4 lug that the promptitude- and severftyforwhith he had been renres"1attan" necessary to check a conspiracy apparentlydirected tiy)Relieni§ligit4ttia, out, by brigands, forcing the peaceffil peasantry to engageititagkinatIllk and:threatening with exterminatiOn the noble fentifles:of Ceplielenia. • 'Irogi. that the sporitaneously,expressed. feeding :of the intlebitantirgtherifilf tat gratitude for his intervention; and that to the twenty-one prisoners whotalfeg fered execution of capital- punishmant;----everrmeleJiad been extended of cgs;

blishing valid defence or evdrailtiniatitn. I 0 Ifl harda-lbever peaceful riling* t fanfare° loyal 3ahae

alWimaix-thenapnerentativioef.thekraeen of Englaad,4o it these to

into rehallionsbythremstivburnaheirnitiases, to “tittiivelf

who withheld -*encomia, and to perpetrate the' ritott attoioei tis• the wives and daughters, of those Nbcr-Tiffutoed'tole8 them'?" t hart beeni;at-Naltes -and, teals ? Was I, not binge +Wee', platictianufol

the !Signori Livatol and .1cosimialo • be exterfidnated :Mei lektaAit

Peaceable , and vvell4ffectedl. Void& .1' give AC rilth,Itabft 'Words?' •, Which of 'these men -was Ito Pardon? Attlee°, Wheildfled-Vrith his Owl id and in Cold bloodnotan Ibattle,a.Cdpreidnurairker,,affMrey I8'I9; the Mettn:aould Ahtleo,,the -Primate of Trejtiestildrllibilf,lit canntrymen Pepe silec); irpolide, '1;67 and Panagiirftiliwartktwoofthe Men7WhollturdakirSik PelohaftmlitiO M by. firing .aanusketiball...throtials.eaeh k 'tortures?—or Anastasio Dracat ,o who pursued theVifit d6W 'WI -unfortnaateogentleman witoalvtneyartl, ailidthentallYnlit wiff ee,Itiftei tagai 'inesamkillaher:ehild!in,eassa resistance? Yet theadlit4 tlkdraa:m-fo*. affuteldrallitt ongh o have extendedisYgenetent oitityaq.±.1 ?;, - .,c -.tirtieirry expressed -regret that, 4-privietts, Medan:MUM' traci'Veen 'cortsitti'r tecrefleet-uporithe,Kingef Greece; -,betanseittnerttioned the ;undoubted faCtalfit had-lbeenlfound,:niaking • perioridallosionotouRing Otho, in corner!' ' with the " Grande Fratellanza": he had mentioned it ; asd;iiproof Of ' nesesiton:timmi men Who-dract sal hint; gag- incprt, ,Ile.inTptained the-difficulties, technical andsubatantliff; (Wilich` had irn./AN the consummation of measures for amending the eMlidtitlltibireirthe itlatd; ,44 annonnend that he should 'speedily bringlorward inenatffend of 'Viet kind, meat prising 'a • new corn position • of 'the Ansembly; vote byliallet ' for, theelector s,..id legislative control over the finances as complete awiEltrance or in England.