24 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 18




S. (Closing Monday. Prices.) Tuesday.

Wednes. Thurs. Friday.

3 per Cent Consols ea 871 881 £89 881 1381

Ditto for Account

88 87/ 88:


3 per Centalteduced

New 3 per Cents. 861 871 86f 871 871 881


871 874

:871 as

Long Annuities


Annuities 1885.

— 161


Bank Stock, 8 per Cent 209 209 208. 2071 208 209 India Stock, 101 per Cent 225

Exchequer Bills, 21d. per diem 11 pm. 7 a

It 8 Exchequer Bonds 1859 981 981 981

981 India Bonds, 31 per Cent

6 dis.

(Last Official Quotation Austrian 5 p.Ct. Belgian 41 Ditto 24

Brazilian a .- 33t1E11015 Ayres 6 —

Chilian 8 — Danish Ditto 3 — Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) 21 — Ditto • 4 French 3 — FOREIGN during the —

99 — - 1011

81 631 94 BBL 25c. FUNDS.

Week ending Friday Evening.) French 4111.CI• Mexican s — Peruvian 41 — Portuguese 3 —

Russian 5 —

Sardinian 5 —

Spanish 3 —

Ditto New Deferred 3 — Ditto (Passive) Tarklah 6 — Venezuela 41 91f. 50c.

191 741

96 631 314 20 6 51


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


Easels— Bristol and Exeter

Caledonian 82 651 Australasia British North American


63 Edinburgh and Glasgow 491 City 69 Eastern Counties 81 Colonial

Great Northern 87 Commercial of London 30/ Great South. and West. Ireland .. 1011 London


Great Western Hull and Selby 491


LondonChartd.Bnk. of Australia London Joint Stock )91 at Lancashire and Yorkshire

London and Westminster 481 Lancaster and Carlisle 72 National of Ireland

London, Brighton, & South (toast.

941 National Provincial

London and Blackwell



London and North-Western 941 Provincial of Ireland 53 Londnn and South-Western 81/ Union of Australia 72 Midland 631 Union of London 301 Midland Great Western (Ireland) 481


North British 261 Ague Fria

North-Eastern—Berwick so Brazilian Imperial' 21 North-Eastern—York 444 Ditto (St. John del Rey) 31 Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton.. 21 Cobre Copper

Scottish Central 1011


South-Eastern and Dover 571 Australian Agricultural 28/ East India Guaranteed 201 Canada 135 Great Western of Canada 211 Crystal Palace



General Steam 27 East and West India 117 Peel River Land and Mineral ... 21 London 99 Peninsular and Oriental Steam..

St. Katherine 83 Royal Mall Steam


South Australian

BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard.. £3 17 9 Copper, Brit. Cakes-£126 0 0 .. 0 00 Foreign Goldin Coin, Portugal Pea 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars .... S 0 0 .. 8 so New Dollars 0 5 01 Lead, British.Pig.... 25 DI 0 .. 26 00 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 lf Steel, Swedish Keg.. 0 0 0., 19 00 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Nov. 23.

Wheat,R. 0. Sea 0 Rye 52 to 54 Maple. 48 to 50

s. s.

Oats,Feed.. 25 to 26 Fine 0— 0 Barley 40-42 White ... 51-56 Pine.. 26-2B White Old. 0— 0 Malting 44-48 Blue 54 — 18 Poland ... 28-29 Fine 0—a Malt, Ord... 78-0 Beans, Ticks 50 — 52 Fine .. 29-30 New 85-93 Fine 80-86 Harrow .. 52-56 Potato ... 14-15 Fine 95— 0 Peas, Hog.. 48-46 Indian Corn 40— 43 Fine .. 36-37 AVERAGE PRICES-OF CORN.


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the:Week ending Nov. 17-

Wheat.... 78s. 4.1. Bye 51.1. ld. Wheat 80.1. led Rye 52s. 104.

Barley .... 39 0 Beans 50 11 I

Barley 29 11

Beans 52 I 0 Oats 28 3 Peas 49 11 - — Oats 28 0 Peas 00 4 FLOUR. PROVISIONS.

Town-made per sack 761. to 801.

Butter—Best Fresh, 16s. ed. per doz.

Seconds / 68 70 Carlu3v, Si. 2s. to Ld. 12s. per cwt.

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 60 — 63 Bacon, Irish per cwt. 618. to 6&.

Norfolk and Stockton 69 — 61 Cheese, Cheshire (I — 0 American per barrel 42 48 Derby, Plain 0 — 0 Canadian 42 — 43 Hams, York 0 — 0 Bread, 54s1. to 114.0. the 41b. loaf.

Eggs, French per 120, 00.04. to 08.04.



CSTTLE-11■13KET.• HEM Or CArrLE AT TEN d. s. d. e. it

ci. s. d. 8.d. •


Beef... 3 0 to 3 8 to di 2 .... 3 6 to 4 6 to 5 0 Monday. Friday.

Mutton 3 0 — 3 8 — 4 0 .... 4 0 — 4 10 — 6 2 Beasts. 4,750 1,226 Veal .. 3 4 — 4 0 — 4 10 ....

• 4 — 4 6 — 4 10

Sheep .23,850 2,410 Pork .. 4 4 — 4 8 — 4 • 4 2 — 4 6 — 0 Calves.. 249 263 Lamb.. 0 0-0 0-0 0 ....

0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0

Pigs ... 730 150 -

! • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.

60r. to 9)s. Down legs WOOL.

per lb. 144. to 151d.

70 Ill Wethers 12 — 14 56 — 84 Leicester Fleeces 131 — 0 0 — 0 Combing 10

— 111

118s. to 120s 110s. to 1268.

80 — 110 50 — 105 0 — 0 0 — 0 180 — 133 120 — 136 24 — 28 26

— 30


Tea, Soucliong, fine, per lb. Is. 24. to 28.00.

Congou, fine 1 o 2

Pekoe, flowery 1 6 — 3 In Bond—Duty la 64. per lb.

Coffee, fine (in bond) cwt. 70s. Od. to 90s. Od.

Good Ordinary 22.04. — 53s. Gei. Sager, Muscovado, per cwt. 49s. 214.

West India Molasses 22s. 04.10 235• 00, • HOPS Kent Pockets Choice ditto Sussex ditto Farnham ditto HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

Cnuazaamsn. Surritrumn. WEITECHAPCL.

Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw Ma to 126.0.

80 — 114 88 — 100 118 — 132 .... .......

30 — 33 OILS, GREASE, COALS. Rape Oil per cwt. £3 0 0 3 2 0

139 per 1000 17 0 0 70s. 6d. to 71s. Od. 74s. 6.1. to Os. Od. rts. 04.

Os. 0.1. Refined Linseed Oil Linseed Ott Cake Petersburg Y. 0 Town Tallow Coals, Hetton Tees