24 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 6

and especially, strange to say, with any of those families

which have most distinguished themselves by an advocacy of popular rights." The Daily o'cotsman goes on to tell, that "thirty years since Mr. La- bouchere entered Parliament," and received such and such appointmsnts ; but these recent biographical facts are sufficiently known to our readers already.

The New York Herald published, and our own daily journals have copied, some statements derived from a Dr. Davega, who had arrived in New York "direct from the Russian camp at Sebastopol, where he served in capacity of surgeon, on the medical staff." The "statements," we need not refer to, except to say that they are such as only a New York editor would have listened to. Respecting the Doctor himself, some "facts" have come out. He reports that when he left the Russian camp the Allies were in possession of the South aide of Sebastopol. Yet Mr. G. F. Clark was travelling with the Doctor "homeward-bound," between Vienna and Cologne, "some days previous to the fall of Sebastopol" ! It appears that Dr. Davega went out from Liverpool to Balakla.va as a ship's surgeon. "Row he got into Sebastopol," says the Liverpool Post, "is not known, and therefore doubted. On his return to Liverpool, he gave a deplorable account of the condition of the Russian army ; but, this view not being acceptable in New York, he changed his colours, and laid it on thick in another light !"

Lord Chief Justice Jervis has been so much indisposed that he has been prevented from attending to his judicial duties.

The Bishop of London is much better : he has been able to leave his bed. The Bishop of Gloucester, who was very ill last week, is now pronounced out of danger.

Sir Colin Campbell met with a very hearty reception when he appeared at the United Service Club, on Saturday.

The Bishop of Oxford was presented to the Emperor of the French on Sa- turday evening.

General Van Elden, Conde de Peracampo, President of the Spanish Su- preme Tribunal of War and Marine, is dangerously ill at Madrid.

The Duke and Duchess Montpensier have left Genoa for Spain, in a Span- ish war-ship.

Mr. Smith O'Brien, who has been living with his family for some time in Belgium, has set out for a tour in Italy, accompanied by his eldest son.

Major-General Markham who for a short time commanded the Second Division of the British Arnly in the Crimea, died on 'Wednesday morning : he was only in his fiftieth year. General Markham was the son of Admiral John Markham. lie entered the Army as Ensign in the Thirty-second Be- gin:tent, in 1824. In 1837 he went with his regiment to Canada, and was wounded in four places at the action of St. Denis. Ile served through the Punjaub campaign in 1848-'49; he commanded a brigade at the first and second siege of Mooltan, and in the battle of Goojerat. He was appointed Adjutant-General of the British Army in India; • then promoted to be .Major- General, and placed in command of the troops atPeshawur. When recalled to serve in the Crimea, he made the journey from Peshawar to Calcutta, during the hot season in the short space of eighteen days ; and the fatal illness that carried him off is imputed to "the excessive fatigues of that journey." General Markham commanded the Second Division at the attack on the Redan, and was present at the fall of Sebastopol. He arrived in England, invalided, on the 24th October.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.

Zymotic Diseases


••• •

227 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat . 43.1


49 Tubercular Diseases 170.8

•• • •

170 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 112.3

••• •

109 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 38.4

••• •

39 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 177.3

••• •

171 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 62.6

• •••

48 Diseases of the Bldneys, &c 11.0

• • 04

12 Childbirth , diseasea of the 'Uterus, @c 9.1


7 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, @c 8.8


11 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sic 2.8


1 Malformations 4.3

■ •• • •

3 Premature Birth ',trophy 23.6 24.2

•••• .• • •



Age 41.7

••• •

37 Sodden 8.9

13 Violence, Privation, Cold, and. Intemperance 31.0

• •

29 Total (including unspecified causes) 1047.4


A military bakehouse on the Quai de Billy at Paris was destroyed by fire on Sunday evening. It was at first thought that the Exposition build- ing was on fire. Thousands rushed to look on the conflagration, which illu- minated Paris, and threw a bright copper tinge over the sky. At the first alarm troops were ordered out, and the fire-brigades were in motion ; and water being plentiful, the fire was got under after burning four hours. Mar- shal Magnan and the Prefect of the Seine were present the whole time. Some idea may be formed of the extent of the establishment from the fact, that by the regulations stores were always kept on the premises to supply 40,000 men for three months, and that upwards of 40,000 rations were pre- pared there each day. The official account states that "only one store- house of corn, isolated from the other part of the building and from the mill, has been burnt. The immense supplies of corn and flour remain, therefore, almost untouched ; and they will be soon again made complete by means ef corn purchased abroad, and which is now being received or on its voyage." It appears that two English non-commissioned officers, in undress, who are in Paris for the service of the English Government at the Universal Exhibi- tion, made themselves remarkable by the coolness with which they went in- to the greatest danger. The Minister of War, who had noticed their daring during the fire, requested them to call on him the following day, that he might personally thank them.

The amount of the Patriotic Fund on the 16th of November was 1,296,2821. 48. 7d. The numbers in receipt of relief were—widows, 2544; children, 3119; orphans who have lost both parents, 97. The annual ex- penditure at present is estimated at 65,0001.

A marten° tower on "the Spit" of the Isle of Grain, commanding the mouths of the Medway and the Thames, has just been completed. It has been a difficult task, from the low situation—the foundation rests on piles— and the exposure to rough weather.

A 68-pounder gun made of cast steel, by Messrs. Krupp of Essen in Prus- sia, for Captain Creuse of the Royal Engineers, was tested at Woolwich on Monday. It is supposed to have been the largest cast-steel gun ever made ; it weighed between three and four tons, and had an outward covering of east-iron, whioh made the total weight nine tons. The charge was twenty- five pounds of powder ; the peculiar shot was of a conical shape, two feet

Ten Weeks Week of 1845-54. of 1855.

long, and weighing more than two hundredweight. At the first discharge the gun was torn to pieces.

The other night, the people of Bootle were roused from their beds by the noise of a cannonade, and the Rooshians " were supposed to have arrived : the activity of the garrison at the new fort had been tested by an order to repel the imaginary attack of an enemy.

A granite obelisk, 144 feet high, is to be erected at Bodmin to the memory of the late General Sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert.

Harlech Castle, on the coast of Merioneth, one of the fortresses erected by Edward the First to keep the Welsh in subjection is now undergoing repair at the expense of Government. This is the third antique castle in Wales whose utter decay has recently been stopped by reparation.

A "Bread Inspector" has been appointed at Stockport, to check the fraudulent and cruel practice of selling short-weight bread to the poor.

"Alice Grey" made a daring attempt to burn herself to death in Stafford Gaol, by taking the straw from her bed and setting it on fire. She was dis- covered and saved.

A truly " monster " concert was given in the Exposition building at Paris on the 16th. There were 1250 performers, led by Berlioz and five assistants' and the audience numbered 20,000. The structure is not suited for musical performances ; the piano passages were heard the most distinctly.

The Paris Exposition, this season, has largely swelled the number of English passing through Boulogne. During last month the total was 17,006, against 10,661 in 1854; for the year the number ha a been 123,254, against 89,071 in 1854.

The Journal de Bruxelks says that the King of Belgium will farther de- corate with the order of Leopold those Belgian exhibitors who have done honour to their country by deserving prizes in the Paris Exhibition.

Letters from Rome mention that the Reverend Mr. Talbot, whose name has been repeatedly mentioned as one likely to be raised to high spiritual office in the Roman Catholic Church in England, has been appointed by the Pope to proceed to America, to regulate some affairs between the Transat- lantic Bishops and the Holy See.

The mill of Alphen, on the Rhine, said by tradition to have been the birth- place of B.embrandt, has been destroyed by fire.

Russia has made a seasonable discovery of strata of sulphur on both sides of the Wolga near Samara. The mineral is to be vigorously worked.

Simpheropol, Nicolaief, and St. Petersburg, are now united by the electric telegraph. Large quantities of sulphur, saltpetre, and other contraband of war, are forwarded from Memel to Russia. The Prussian merchants charge but a small insurance for its passage over the frontier.

The Journal de Constantinople says:that M. Meynaclier will open a theatre at Sebastopol in the spring. At Constantinople also the same director is about to establish a French theatre, where farce, drama, opera, and even the ballet, will be produced.

The proprietor of a penny daily newspaper in Scotland was recently called upon by one of his subscribers and asked what allowance he would make if the subscriber were to discontinue the paper and take in the placard only, which was generally issued with it. The wolothy proprietor, on asking the reason for this unusual request, was informed that there was always a • vast deal more news in the placard than he could ever find in the paper.— Liverpool Times.

The public prosecutor of Berlin is rather "bothered" at present by an English Jew named Nathens. Rath= formerly gave evidence in a law court ; he took an oath as a Protestant Christian—he was known to have taken part in Christian worship ; his evidence is alleged to have been false ; he is prosecuted for perjury ; and he now turns round and asserts that he is a Jew, that he never was baptized, and that therefore his oath as a Christian was not binding ! The public prosecutor has to prove, if he can, that Na- thens has been baptized.