24 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 6



The appeal which has been made by a Provisional Committee to secure attendance at the public meeting in Willis's Rooms, on Thursday next, for the purpose of initiating the Nightingale Fund, will of course be sue- cessful. There cannot be the shadow of a difference in opinion or feel- ing on the subject. When Miss Nightingale first conceived the idea of ministering to the sick and wounded of the Hospitals in the East, her motive was as single-minded as it was natural. She had already much ex- perience in the care of a hospital. She possessed the means of indulging the desire that many must have felt to carry comfort to her suffering fel- low countrymen' she possessed the understanding which enabled her to discern the path, and, what is rarest, the courage to set the example of taking that path. The assistance which she immediately met from friends and from the Government, her reception In the East, the hu- manizing influence which the gentle conduct of the rough soldiers acknowledged, the immediate comfort that ahe gave, the perfect and continued success attending the impulse to general improvement in the administration of the hospitals, are facts which prove the sound sense and justice of the resolve that startled the public 'when it was first announced. Although none had anticipated her in her enter- rise, all without exception have given it the sanction of their sympathy. Her mission must have a permanent effect upon an important depart- ment of our military administration. The thorough accord between the resolution of Miss Nightingale and the deliberate feeling of the public is to be substantiated in the form of a testimonial ; and the fact that persons of station and influence press forward to identify themselves with the move- ment shows how general and spontaneous it is. It only needs, there- fore extensive announcement of the public meeting, at which the Duke

of there- fore, will preside, to secure an ample attendance, and the com- mencement of a national subscription.