24 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 15


[TO THE EDITOR or THE "SeaCTATOR."] Walker's letter in the issue of October lath will, I am sure, be rend with interest and pleusere by a large number Of your readers, especially Nonconformists, of whom I believe nc inconsideruble number read your paper weekly. It is truly a sign of the times when a body of Anglican, Modern, and Evangelical Churchmen meet to discuss Snell an important subject and arrive at such significant " Findings " as reported. As a Nonconformist, I heartily concur in all that was carried, and feel that if the broad catholistie spirit was more fully in evidence in all our churches we should truly be carrying out to the full the teachings of the great Apostle Paul. " For the perfecting of the mints . . . till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the :stature of the fulness of Christ." Christian unity in all

its many aspects was never more opportune than at the present time, when the world is stirred to its very depths by war and bloodshed. I am reminded of Whittier's lines :— " Drop thy still dews of quietness Till all our strivings cease."