24 NOVEMBER 2001, Page 79

Q. I have begun a relationship with a man who

is very well known in certain sectors of society. We want to go away together for a short holiday but, at this stage, want to keep our relationship private without too many people speculating and interfering. Now that it is such a small world, I cannot think of anywhere we can go where we will not run into someone who one or other of us knows. What do you suggest, Mary?

L.A., London W11

A. Book separate rooms at an English health farm for the same dates. Even the slimmest and most unneurotic of men cannot fail to enjoy the preening and pampering opportunities on offer. Now that health farms are no longer exclusively to do with slimming, guests can drink large quantities of alcohol and eat rather delicious food. Provided you do not do any public canoodling, there is no reason for anyone to suspect you are any more than fellow clients of the health farm, who are simply relieving the boredom by chatting to each other.

Mary Killen