24 OCTOBER 1840, Page 15


M. I " FR .1.N 12 feels that she has the power to isolate' herself." said ; Tninas in one of his first diatribes against the Jaly Convention. '

There is another European dynasty sc:n1,; to be oh opinion that it possesses the same power—the dynasty of 110TIISt'itn.p. At least, so we interpret the thet that it seems to have incurred the jealousy of all parties. In France. the ( '.4.stiolihmitel accused liar.bn Boruscumn of Paris of threatening to go into opposition it-)!.

TitimaS iliSiSted upon war. In England. the Bank is 1111(1Prstood to 11;tVe picked a quarrel with .Mr. liornsenst.o of London. on the suspicion that he was remitting money to Paris for the purpose of $trengthening the hands of the French Go- vernment. And we seo by the c'ontinental journals. that a similar impression has prevailed at Vienna regarding the' branch of the house of lityrusentl.n established in that enpital. It IS clear that none of the parties helieve they can count upon the alliance of' the house of liorusetio.n. The rive " preponderating possets" have kft out of their calculations a power w it how whose assistance not one of them can move• --the Money King : anti this power, either out of pique at the neglect, t, like s I. Tint-as.) or from a better 1110tiVe, is determined to hare nothing to do with them. The declaration of Ilat*011 ROTIISCIIILB of Paris.. kthe only stunt her of the family who has spoken out.) in his reply to the denunciation of' the (*oast/ha/mow/. inclines us to attribr.te to them the better motive. "I am no politiviatC says the Baron. " but it financier." Would that our Nlanchester anti Birmingham and Glasgow merchants had the sound sense of Baron Rontscntr.n- that they would tell our Ministers, " Fighting is not our trade, but trading; and we want peace." Would that the house of Ilortiscinw could supersede the house of HAPSBURG or any war- like house in Europe. A Financier King would be a refreshing novelty.