24 OCTOBER 1840, Page 3

The election of the Duke of Northumberland as Chancellor of

the ITnivereity of Cainbri*re took place On NVednesd.iy. and W;IS unanimous. There has been StikiC confusion In the mune, oa the ea:I:lid:nes for the High S,eward.,111v or Cambridge University. Lord Ly milt:nest :mil Lord

Lyttleton are 'wilt candidates for the honour : the reseheion which

lgut tneutimad, its part of our impreesioe List cut the as havina bemt passed. by Lord 1.) talharst's t'rionla xv he held a meet- ing on the same thsv, referred to Lord Lyttleam. This eleetion Ic made a party quest am, and is likely to be closely eatiteszed. 1.‘rd Lyndhurst has been twice before prop:ea-a for the eoliee. but withdrew his claims to prevent divieion in OW l'niversity. Ili, claims ;tee ;emcee:Illy advo- cated by the Maas and the Sep:dant: they are t;nubleil on 1....■,leittic distiaci ;on, academic usinre. and 1,,,i;; pnlilic services. Lord a yottag man or veeellent reputation. ,efers himself ia eons:eel:moo of a requishion aereed. u at a meeting of niany intliteutial members of tak' University, hurl1it Trinity cotte,,,.

The 1.,take a Newcastle and Lora Nri,,hp.„,„ scut to the tettatit, who voted for lite Solicitor, ti,'nor.ti at OW List deetio*.I.

When will the Ballot eosin- ? -.\' 11/, (;;;;c1fe.

it is stall, t,..; attlitorily tlii■ )..,....r.rer„ that at the receet tneming et' the Aerieult ural Site of Aleaviel., the Hotionrable T. Liddell, \, 1,, who presiilel, it rue% the namc of lainee .\ bit from the list of lu. is. "It was (Who' sIrt,11:: l'.'111‘,11,Ir.11100 sudi a di,...ntrivint-i and iii,othiltit..met it.luto II NI:IS 011ly cil alloy • q..lovn l'owager and the r,•.:t ft lRoyal The Masi aerial papers this weel, elaint the folloa ing ?retitle in the Registration t aeirts._at Aehem..atetee..1,y no, 911 ; 11111y St, 6 ; Cockermouth, 11; Falmouth, :3; Fro's/0, 2 ; Hertford, 12; Hythe, 4 ; Liekeard, 8 ; Sott.thampton, 2 ; Tewkesbury, 11; Portsmouth, 22 ; Winchester, la ; Tamworth, 12 ; Wareham, 24. The Conservative gains are stated by their papers to be --at Cheltenham, 511 ; Bridge- north, 4S ; ; Bedford, 7; Tetnese, III; Buckingham, 18 ; Buckinghamshire, 2 Pi ; West Riding of Yerkshire, 234 ; West Nor- folk, 20a.

Attempts have I.een made in various parts of the country to disfran- cl:ise tho,:e who Ii lugthe public by selling post atra, stamp, on the plea that les% i.,g a licence fr.lot the Commissioners, they are the servants of the Government : but it hes been decided that where thus,.' individuals were purchasers of stamps, and paid finc the same previous to selling Chem, they we m.t :-:.;L-Disrributors told aecolottable :o the Com- miseloeere of Stan: iherefore not dis,pialifi,d front being placed. an the register. fienccr.

The Liecepeoi in referee t,, the ;:pproaching municipal 1:Oltwtti its that town, observe, •• The! fast

appetatchieg ; ' if we are to jedee ea: 1.ea to its

eyeeze Ly. the eeitude of preparaz; z ire expect

le.e.lee battle tiaiu ever. Great eg. money bat o bee!t lavished by both sid— .. cal the

regisler, and the sirin!clo in 11.- .3 without a

parallel itt Munj.ip.a a contest sters." the i:eme of wisiC a :21 a ' At the Quarter-seeeions far day. a correspondence was Justlees respecting 1.1,

whoIV ItS st:Ittenct:d to ittaprtsotion.:1,1 The Justices had set .M..rtin to wes. sentence did not ittelude it us''l lit tary on the matter ; who crenr-elled to labour. T: - direct authority than a is favour of 71

of iss:;i:,;

as hi is unable other ..vise t. . ..e. on Mon- ,re and the st Martin, au his


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