24 OCTOBER 1840, Page 4

On Thursday week, a fire broke out at Park Farm,

near Kingston, the property of the Earl of Liverpool, by which wheat, bay, farm-buildings, and other property valued at 2,000/. were destroyed. Two men are in custody on suspicion of having wilfully caused the fire.

On Saturday evening about eight o'clock, a fire broke out in the cotton and yarn warehouse belonging to Mr. John Shawcross, Half- moon Street, St. Ann's Square, Manchester. The warehouse was situ- ated in one of the very narrow streets, or rather lanes, of the neigh- bourhood, and was surrounded by other warehouses, which were speedily in flames. Several buildings were completely destroyed before the fire could be subdued. Among them were the warehouse of Mr. Shawcross, the cotton warehouses of Mr. Matchett, the paper ware- house of Mr. Hilton, Messrs. Reass and Kling's, Russian merchants, Messrs. Mitchell's, Messrs. Chorley's, yarn-dealers, Messrs. Willoughby, Messrs. Goodier and Co's., and Messrs. Fullers's, auctioneers.

Very serious accidents have occurred at the new docks erected by the Marquis of Bute, at such a great cost, at Cardiff the wall, which was the admirationof all who witnessed it, and the conducting-pipes, having fallen to pieces. The repairs and the alterations rendered necessary by this unfortunate accident will, it is said, tax the noble Marquis's munifi- cence a further sum of 10,000/.

On Monday evening, a fearful accident happened in the Medway, near Chatham, by which seven men perished. A party of " lumpers," sixteen in number, had been at work on board a merchant. ship in the river ; and about seven o'clock they all got into a skiff for the purpose of returning to the shore. It was then blowing a gale from the North- west, and the water was very rough. On nearing a vessel close in- shore, a wave rolled in, and in rebounding from the ship struck the boat. The men becoming alarmed, all got up and made a rush to get ashore ; but ere one of them could reach the laud, the boat capsized. A distressing scene ensued : the parties clung to each other, and began struggling in the water ; and before any assistance could reach them, seven of them perished. Some of the survivors managed to swim ashorg, and others were picked up by a fishing-boat.