24 OCTOBER 1840, Page 5

The Marquis of Normanby has left town for his residence,

Mulgrave Castle.

Lord John Russell left town on Wednesday, on a visit to the Marquis of Landsdowne, at Isis residence, Bowood Park,

The Reverend Dr. Williams, Head Master of Winchester School, was on Tuesday elected a Warden of Nee' College, Oxford, in the room of Dr. Shuttleworth. The Reverend Charles Awdery, a Fellow of the College, was also a candidate. Fifty-nine Fellows voted ; 32 for Dr. Williams, and 27 for the Reverend C. Awdery.

The will of John Banks Jenkinson, D.D., Lord Bishop of St. David's, has just passed under the sea? of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury,

in Doctors Commons, to Frances Augusta Jenkinson, widow of the deceased, the sole executrix named in the will. The deceased was re- lated to the Earl of Liverpool. The personal property of the deceased

within the jurisdiction of the Court of Canterbury has bees sworn under the value of 70,0001., independent of property out of the juris- diction. The will of the deceased is dated la May of the present year, and the property is given to the wife for life, and after her death to his children.

Tuesday's Gazette announces the appointment of Commissioners for inquiring into the employment and conditior, of children in Mines and Manufectories. The Commissi niers are, Mr. Thomas Tooke, Dr. Southwood Smith, Mr. Leonard Homer, and Mr. Saunders--the two last the Inspectors of' Factories.

Mr. Dunlap, the President of the Bank of the 1Thited Stkes, has replied to a request front a large number of English shareholders call- big for a statement of the actual condition of the Hank. ln his answer he assures them, that an investigation into the affairs of the bank, which has been io progress for a cost ilerable lino:, will soon be brought to a close, " when the stockholders in Europe and the Gaited States will receive all the information necessary to farut an accurate opinion of the actual condition of the institution."

The annual meeting of the proprietors of the Star Steam-packet Company Was held at Gra v .tsead on Wellies:lay. The receipts for the year were stated in the -report to he 29,0491.; the expenses, 25,515/. ; including ;mall. paid air pieraluss. A dividend of live per cent was declared ; which would hive a reserve-fund of' 1,590/.