24 OCTOBER 1846, Page 10

The National of Thursday asserts, with reference to the Montpensier

marriage that secret conferences are proceeding between the Court and Count Mold, the object of which is to dismiss M. Guizot, and make other abject concessions in order to restore an "entente cordiale" with England.

The price of wheat in Paris rose on Wednesday 50 centimes.

At Madrid, to the 17th, the Royal party were diligently attending bull- fights. The Queen is said to have signed the promised amnesty; but it had not been made public.

From Portugal no further news has come to hand. Rumours of dis- affection to the new regime in Minho' and the reported arrest of the Duke de Terceira, have received no confirmation.

Disturbances broke out at Berne in Switzerland on the 17th instant; owing, it is said, to the rising prices of wheat and potatoes. Some attri- buted the outbreak to political causes; but this is at least doubtfuL Peace was promptly restored by a demonstration of soldiery and ord- nance.