24 OCTOBER 1891, Page 2

At the meeting of the London County Council on Tuesday,

Si John Lubbock, Sir Thomas Farrer, Mr. Haggis, the Chair- man, Vice-Chairman, and Deputy-Chairman, withdrew their resignations, and agreed to remain till March, when their terms of office expire. Sir John Lubbock was asked to take this step by a unanimous memorial from his colleagues, and an equally general desire was expressed in regard to the Vice and Deputy Chairmen. The decision is one for congratulation. It would have been a great pity to appoint new officers before the new elections. Later, what was virtually an attempt to deprive Captain Shaw of his pension was made, but we are glad to note that only one person, Mr. Walter Wren, in addi- tion to the proposer and seconder, was found to support the proposal. We are by no means inclined to think that Captain Shaw has behaved better than the County Council in their quarrel, but it was monstrous to grudge a brave and efficient officer a pension earned by thirty-one years of service.