24 OCTOBER 1903, Page 1

After a considerable delay—due, it is stated, to the ,eight

days' mourning for the Sultan's son—the Austro-Riissia.n Notes, conveying precise instructions for the execution of the reform programme in Macedonia under European control, were presented to the Porte on Thursday. It is further stated that the Notes embody the British proposals for the appoint- ment of European assessors to the Mussulman Governor. This is at least a step in the right direction. Meanwhile, the bow- gent leaders say that they will keep up a guerilla war through the winter, and then in the spring make a final and desperate effort. That decision, we fear, reveals something of despair, the insurgents having lost all present hope of European inter- vention, upon which at first they confidently relied. They under- estimated the callousness of the Powers.