24 OCTOBER 1925, Page 3

The Empire Exhibition at Wembley is to be closed at

the end of this month after prolonging its life until the Royal Family was gathered from Scotland and South America to see the " Tattoo." This item has proved to be, of all others, the most widely attractive and inspiring in beauty and sentiment, a wonderful success from all points of view. There is bound to be regret at the disappearance of such an Exhibition when the time comes. Some visitors, some traders, would like a little longer, but we should be sorry if the Exhibition flickered out after outstaying the right moment. We gather that, roughly speaking, with smaller expenditure and by the help of the Tattoo, it has almost paid its way this year, but has not reduced last year's heavy deficit. The Realization Committee has been appointed with Mr. Thoinas as Chairman, and will probably act as liquidators after a general meeting of the proprietary Asso:iation. There are great assets which will need • most careful disposal and may very satisfactorily reduce • the deficit. * * *