24 OCTOBER 1931, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECrAroR.] Silt,—There was a recent reference in the Spectator to Mr. Bernard Shaw's declaration that he " could not believe in a God Who forgives." Is there not a general misunderstanding as to what forgiveness really is ? It is usually understood to mean " pardon, the overlooking of a fault, the cancellation of a penalty." The words generally used, both in the Old and New Testaments, signify " to lift up or away, to send away, to let go, to send off." " Forgiveness " therefore means " release." The whole story of Christianity is of a " God Who forgives," Who quite literally breaks the power of sin and " sets the cap- tive free." When Bunyan tells of the burden falling from the fihoulders of Christian at sight of the Cross he states his own experience and that of an innumerable company of " pilgrims." Similarly, " to absolve " is " to loosen," to " remit " is to " send away." The church that claims the authority to ab- solve and remit sins must manifest that authority in the only way possible--by releasing men from their sins in and through

the spirit of Christ.—I am, Sir, &c., JAS. W. Rocca. 958 Addington Avenue, Montreal.