24 OCTOBER 1931, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am requested by Lord Cecil of Chelwood and the members of the committee to express to readers of the Spectator their high appreciation of the most generous and public-spirited response to your two articles inviting financial support of the great international demonstration which is to take place next month in Paris in favour of disarmament.

Although we have not yet received the full amount neces- sary to meet our expenses (and shall still be glad to receive any further donations to the fund—however small) the magnificent response of your readers has, at any rate, helped us to ensure- the ultimate success of the Paris Disarmament Conference. The amount still. required is £492.—I am, Sir, &c. C. H. ROBINSON. International Office, All People's Association (APA), 99 Gower Street, London, W.C. 1.