24 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 1


SPAIN has another chance of escape from Anarchy on the one side and Absolutism on the other. A thoroughly Liberal Administra- tion has been definitively formed, of few members, but all of them men of talent, likely to act with vigour and in concert.

ARGUE LLE S refused to take office, but will support the Ministry. The collection of the forced loan is said to be proceeding with rapidity and success; and MENDIZABAL has taken measures for bringing the produce of the sale of national property into the trea-

sury. He has directed the formation, in every province, of a Board for superintending the suppression of convents and the dis- posal of their lands and valuables. He has likewise appointed a

Commission to report upon the best mode of abolishing tithes. Money is to be sent to the army before any other claimants on the treasury are paid. A small supply of cash was immediately fur- nished, by a Madrid capitalist, on the credit of MENDIZABAL. LOPEZ, the Home Secretary, as we should call him, is employed in turning all the subaltern Carlists, or Tories, out of office : an ex- ample which our Home Secretary would not do amiss to follow, and for the reason assigned by LOPEZ for his dismissals—that they obstruct the progress of all reform. A man who was caught in an attempt to join the rebel bands in the mountains of Toledo, was executed in Madrid for treason, on Monday week ; and the people hcped that the Bishop of PALENCIA, who was detected in an endeavour to join Don CARLOS, would also be put to death; but the Ministers refused to indulge them so far. If either traitor was to be spared, it is a pity that the Bishop should be the one. The fear of retaliation probably saved the Prelate. The Marquis of CAMPUZANO has been appointed Ambassador to Paris, and Senor AGUILAR to London.

There have been rumours of a Carlist march on Madrid, the Absolute Don himself being at the head of his troops: but as yet there is no distinct information concerning the rebel movements; and it is not very likely that Don CARLOS will venture out of his fastnesses in the Basque provinces. A defeat on the Southern side of the Ebro might be irreparable; and there is nothing in the character or past performances of CARLOS to lead us to sup- pose that be would run such a risk. It is moreover asserted, that his Generals, GOMEZ and CABRERA, have had a violent quarrel, and refuse to cooperate with each other.

From the Legion the only news is, that on the 15th a detach- ment from St. Sebastian went on a foraging expedition, and, after a sharp conflict with the Cellists, succeeded in carrying off some hay and straw ; with the loss of four killed and fourteen wounded; Captain Buri.En of the Seventh Regiment being among the latter. This is miserable work.

CALATRAVA President of the Council, and

Minister of Foreign Affairs. Minister of Marine. Minister of the Interior. Minister of War.

Minister of Justice. Minister of Finance.


J. M. LOPEZ ...