24 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 6

Mr. NP Ghee has addressed a long letter, published in

the Times, to Mr. O'Connell, on the subject of certain " bulls" read by him at the Exeter Hall meeting, and which he asserts to be genuine productions of sundry Popes. But who can believe a word that M'Ghee says or writes ? The pious "forgery" will stick to that intolerant parson as long as he lives. The Times is a fit organ for the promulgation of his "forgeries "and "tomfooleries."

The total amount of the English " O'Connell Subscription," already received, amounts to 8,376/. The subscription is to close on the 15th. [It is Mr. O'Connell's own fault that this subscription is not double the sum above-mentioned.]

It has been rumoured that the Lord William Bentinck, with part of the Seventeenth Regiment on board, has been lost on her passage to Bombay from Sydney, which latter place it left on the 15th of March ; but there seems to be no sufficient ground for this report.

Account of the quarterly average of the weekly liabilities and as- sets of the Bank of England, from June 28th to September 20th in- clusive.


Circulation £18,147,000 Securities £29,406,000 Deposits 14,118,000 Bullion 5,719,000

