24 SEPTEMBER 1842, Page 21


OFTWE OF ORDNANCE, Sept. 20.-Royal Regt. of Artillery. Second Capt. W. 14. Forbes to be Adjt. vice Gore, who resigns the Adjutancy only ; Second Capt. J. W. Mitchell to be Adj. vice Griffiths, promoted ; Second Limit. J. M. Hill to be First Lieut. vice Wyat. deceased.

Memyrandum.-The dates of the commissions of the undermentioned officers have been altered as follows, viz.-Find Lieut. T. It. M'Qiteett. 24th May 1842; First Lieut. C. T. Franklin, 14th July 1842; First Lieut A. C. Hawkins. 20 Ang. 1842. OFFICE or ORDNANCE. Sept. 22.-Erratum in the Gazette of the 20th instant-The commission of Capt. Mitchell, as Adjt. in the Royal Begs. of Artillery, is dated 5th Jan. 1842, instead of the 15th, as therein stated.