24 SEPTEMBER 1881, Page 21

Pastoral Days; or, Memories of a Yew-England Year. By W.

Hamilton Gibson. (Chatto and Windus.)—This is a book of pretty descriptions of New-England scenery, as it appears through the cycle of the seasons. An English reader cannot fully appreciate it, seeing that some of the trees, and flowers, and birds are not familiar to him ; but there is enough in common with what he knows himself to make him feel that he is listening to a careful observer and real lover of nature. Interspersed throughout the book are sketches of life which are also vigorous and characteristic. But the great attraction of the volume is to be found in the illustrations. Very pleasing in design— and it is Mr. Gibson who uses both pen and pencil—they have been admirably executed in wood engraving by a number of artists. Some are quite wonders of skill.