24 SEPTEMBER 1965, Page 14


SIR,—I was delighted to read Mr. Edinger's Idler. and not a little reassured. The VSO boys paddle their own canoes! The bulldog breed is with us yet! Excellent.

So, of course, did innumerable DOs. If this particular one was obliged to travel by launch, it was no doubt because he had waiting for him in his office, a pile of official correspondence, half a dozen court cases, four monthly reports to write and material to provide for an answer to a par- liamentary question by `Mr. Edinger, MP.' (Mr. Edinger is entitled to retort that that was just the trouble with the Colonial Service.) Personally I generally walked on safari. I take no particular credit for this: ,indeed, I should probably have done my job far better if I had sped along by Land-Rover.

I am glad, tbo, that the VSO devoted more of their time to the cities and slums. I hope that they worked in co-operation, and not in rivalry, with the DOs, Social Service Officers and the like, doing very much the same job. CHARLES CHENEVIX 1121NCH

Abbot's Shatpham, Walton, Street, Somerset