25 APRIL 1829, Page 13


OXFORD, April 17—On Saturday last, being the last day of Lent term, the hono- rary degree of Master of Arts was conferred on Thomas Pycroft, Esq. Commoner of Trinity College, the successful candidate for the writership in India lately given. as, a prize (to be contended for by the junior members of this University) by the Right Hon. C. W. W. Wynn.

On the same day the following degrees were conferred. Doctor in Civil Law—Rev. F. Wane, Rector of Cheddon Fitz•Payne, Somerset, and Prebendary of Wells, Oriel. College, Grand Compounder. Bachehw of Civil Law—Rev. John Cecil Hall, Student. of Christ Church. Masters of Arts—Rev. George Henry Stoddart, Queen's College;. Rev. Nathaniel Wodehonse, Merton College. In a Congregation, holden the same day, the following gentlemen were respectively nominated Public Examiners. In Disciplinis Mathematicis et Ph/pins—Rev. A.P. Saunders, M.A. Student of Christ Church. In Literis Humanioribus—Rev. Rents Dickson Hampden, M.A. late Fellow of Oriel College; Rev. John Carr, M.A. Fellow of 'Baal College. The Duke of Newcastle's scholarship at Eton College is this year given to Mr. Thomas William Allies, son of the Rev. Thomas Allies, of Clifton, and Rector of Wormington, Glocestershire.

April 18.—Congregations will be holden for the purpose of granting grans, and conferring degrees, on the following days in the ensuing term : April, Wednesday, 29; May, Thursday, 7; Thursday, 14; Thursday, 21; Wednesday, 27; June, Sa- turday, 6.

CAMBRIDGE, April 24.—A convocation was held on Wednesday last, in the Senate house, for the election of Proctors, the offices having become vac-rut by resignation. The Reit. Henry Kirby, M.A. Fellow of Clare Rail; slid the Rev. Joseph Power, M.A. Fellow of Trinity Hall, were elected Proctors for the remainder of the year.

On Monday last, Geotge Thackeray, scholar of King's College, was admitted Fellow of that society.

The Rev. T. Carter has been elected Fellow of Eton College, on the resignation of the Rev. J. Lansdale, B.D.; and the Rev. C. Younge has been appointed to the under • mastership, in the room of Mr. Carter.